Corner Suspended Platform

Movement performed using three manual traction hoist. The equipment has side protections prepared to prevent damage to the cables and components during the operations. Fixed modules with high resistence screws, with variable compositions using 1, 2 and 3 m modules.

Tenho interesse

Movement performed using three manual traction hoist. The equipment has side protections prepared to prevent damage to the cables and components during the operations. Fixed modules with high resistence screws, with variable compositions using 1, 2 and 3 m modules.

Compositions 1 + 1 m - 1 + 2 m - 1 + 3 m - 2 + 2 m
Composition Weight 265 - 305 - 340 - 340 kg
Load capacity 435 - 395 - 360 - 360 kg
Lifting speed 5 m/min
Platform Width 90 cm
Angle of Plataform 3 a 8o
Steel Cable Specification Ø 7.93 mm (5/16”) construction
Floor (Optional) expanded sheet or aluminum
Ícone localização

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